About me

I am a Stay at Home Mom. I love Chai Lattes, anything chocolate, and all of the Real Housewives. I hate cleaning bathrooms.

I've been with my husband since 2000, married since 2005, and together we have two little girls. Little Bear was born in 2009 and Crazy Plates in 2010.

This is my blog. A place where I share all the fun and frustrating things about being a Stay at Home Mom.

I hope you can enjoy, relate, and have a little laugh.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Dear Cheryl Hickey: I'm Sorry For Staring.

There is something you should know about me.  I get start struck.  VERY easily.

We just got back from a trip to Great Wolf Lodge with some friends of ours and their kids.  Do you know who else was there?   Cheryl Hickey, from Entertainment Tonight Canada.  I know!  I ran into her at the water park.  And by ran into her at the water park I mean stared at her for way longer than one person should ever stare at another person, at the water park.  Let me explain...

We got to the water park with our friends and our kids, and as soon as I got into the pool, I spotted Cheryl (can I call her Cheryl?).  As I mentioned before, I was instantly star struck.  She looked beautiful, just like on TV.  I, on the other hand, had walked from our hotel room to the pool in my bathing suit, pajama pants, and knee high boots.  Why?  Because I didn't have a bathing suit cover up or another shoe option.  But, I didn't really care because I was one of what seemed like 1000 people on their way to the pool that day, and I didn't think anyone would notice, or care, what I was wearing.  But then I got to thinking; does Cheryl have the same luxury?  I mean, when she left her hotel room she knew she knew she was going to get noticed, she is Cheryl Hickey, after all,  so did she feel the need to pull herself together and look more presentable then say, I did that day?  That made me a bit sad, because everyone deserves a day off without having to worry about their hair, or makeup or questionable clothing choices, right?  But then I thought, maybe she's just one of those girls who pops out of bed looking perfect, and that made me a bit angry because don't you just hate those girls who wake up looking good?  I mean, come on!

So after staring at her for what was now a uncomfortable amount of time, contemplating how much time she put into getting ready for the pool, I decided I should go over and say hi.  But, what would I say?  "Hey, Cheryl!  How's it going?"  No.  I can't say that.  She doesn't know me, and that's a greeting for someone you know.  I could say "Excuse me, are you Cheryl Hickey?"  Then she'd say "Yup" and I'd say "I thought so" and then there would be an uncomfortable silence, and I'm not good with uncomfortable silences.  So that wouldn't work either.  I could just walk right up (or I guess wade over, since we were in a pool) and say "Cheryl Hickey!  I'm a big fan.  I love ET Canada" and she'd say "Thanks".   Then what?  Another uncomfortable silence.  So I decided to say nothing.  But that got me thinking some more...

If I were Cheryl Hickey, I would definitely want at least one day a year where I could wear my bathing suit, pajama pants, and knee high boots to the pool and have everyone just leave me alone.  I'd want one day where I could just play with my kids in the pool like everyone else, and not have anyone bother me with silly questions like "What's Rick Campanelli really like?"  But, if I were Cheryl Hickey, and I spent the whole day at the Great Wolf Lodge and no one noticed me or came over and said hi, I think that would bother me too.  I mean, I'm Cheryl Hickey!  I'm on TV!  I'm a big deal! 

What to do with Cheryl Hickey was really stressing me out, so I decided to talk it through with my friend Vanessa, who was on the trip with us.  I expressed my concerns about what to say, my questions about what a TV star does to get ready for a day at the pool, and my regret for staring at her for what was now an incredibly inappropriate amount of time.  And my friend Vanessa, my level headed, observant friend Vanessa, pointed out that there was a group of us awkward people, staring at Cheryl Hickey, not knowing what to say, but unable to turn away from the real life TV celebrity that swam amongst us.

And so, Cheryl Hickey, if you're reading this, on behalf of all the awkward swimmers at Great Wolf Lodge, we're sorry for staring.  Keep up the great entertainment reporting, and if I run into you again, I promise to give you your space.  Unless you want to grab a Starbucks, or lunch, or go to a red carpet event together.  I'm totally game for that too. 

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